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Tre Taylor,CLC
Tonya Taylor, CLC, CDC, MA, NNA

Tre and Tonya have been happily married for 18  years and  have partnered together to coach couples that have lost their connection by reconnecting their relationship. Love is not just a fairytale it's a lifestyle.

Our Story

I am the wife of Tre Taylor and the mom of two beautiful daughters. I am an accomplished Regional Manager for several Health Care Facilities in Central Florida. In my lesiure time I enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I have partnered with my husband not only in union but also as a certified life coach to coach individuals to their fullest potential. Thank you for visiting our site.

I am the husband of Tonya Taylor and the father of two beautiful daughters. I am an accomplished Executive who specializes in implementing corporate infrastructures into small businesses. In my leisure time I enjoy running marathons and spending time with my family. My wife and I have partnered not only in union but in coaching individuals to their full potential. Thank you for visiting our site.

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